Just getting started...

This is a new endeavor for me. Please take a look around and attempt to make a comment on posts that you find interesting. If you have trouble, please contact me through the geocaching.com website - tufelhundin. I may not have the ability to comment tweaked just right. Thanks and keep cachin' on. ~tufelhundin~


Temporarily retired

I haven't posted an entry here in awhile. I have primarily been using the Facebook page Morongo Basin Geocaching Society. So give it a visit, if you are from our area. If Facebook ever gets REALLY stupid and begins charging for basic services, then I will take thus blog out if retirement. Thanks & L8R.



Morongo Basin Grip & Grin #1 a success

What a great time we had. Lots of geocachers turned out for great company, trackable discovery & swapping as well yogurt & coffee and great reminiscing. I was blown away by the turnout. The local geocaching community didn't let me down. In fact, they came out in force. Thanks everyone. Your kind words of encouragement really made my day. I'm already looking forward to the next one. I am planning already and will begin scouring the tri-city area for a suitable location.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the camaraderie and storytelling.

'til next time,



More and more stolen trackables

What a sad note to pin on the refrigerator door of geocaching. Geocachers should NOT have to worry about what caches they drop TBs, geocoins or any other valuable items into for fear they will disappear. That is a sad commentary for a sport whose sole purpose is enjoyment.

This makes me think even more that geocaching socials that involve both discovering and possibly exchanging of trackable objects. This venue creates a safer environment for trackables to not drop off the face of the Earth, plus even those trackable items that Geocachers are not ready to release back to the wild yet can still be discovered.

Additionally, it creates more opportunities for us, Geocachers, to get together and enjoy one anothers' company. So often, it seems to me, that geocaching is experienced on an individual or family unit level only. We should get together more often.

What do you think?


TB Tollbooth, or river Styx to TB Graveyard

So, I went to Amboy Crater yesterday to find a travel bug that I have been dying to see. It was hiding in Amboy Rt 66 TB Tollbooth ... After getting there, I find that the TB I wanted to see, Nipa Filipino Hut TB, plus another aren't hiding there. They were cowering in fear for being taken hostage and never being heard from again. There were some 14 or so TBs listed for the cache, but only 2 were actually there. More like HOSTEL, see the movie, than a TB way station. I rescued both from there and then sent a sad, but hopeful email to each of the missing TB owners. I asked if they could mark their travelling friends as missing, for now. I do hope their friends pop back up someday. I went to the cache with travelling friends in hand, ready to swap, but the prospect of dropping them into the graveyard did not appeal to me. What is worse, is that all those TBs were either LOST on purpose, or because people either forgot to or didn't know how to properly log them from a Premium Member only cache. So who is doing it?

Surreal Landscape. Check it out.

I will find the extra TB I found there a new home Saturday near Desert Hot Springs, but the Hut will travel with me a little while. I started carving my own last night, so it will have a companion.

I'm not looking to start another "Where did my TB go?" or "Goodbye poor TB" conversation. There are too many already, sadly enough. If you find some great ones, mention them here. Don't include the findit code or a picture that shows the findit code. If a few good ones pop up here, I'll start a thread about that and we can just see awesome trackables.

Let's cache!


Earth Day 2012 Yucca Valley Community Center is a bust

The community event going on at the Yucca Valley Community Center for Earth Day 2012 is already overbooked for tables and booths. So, we won't be participating there, but the nice lady there let me know about Grubstake Days 2012, which sounds like a good time on 28 & 29 May and gives us plenty'o'time to get ready with a table, some literature, some creative cache containers for viewing and even some cool trackables. There are all kinds of activities on Saturday and then  a 10k, 5k & 2k run on Sunday. We can set up a geocaching event on Saturday and have some local existing and new hides for newbies and old-timers alike. If this sounds good to you, let me know if you'd like to help me set it up. Also, visit MBGS on Facebook to LIKE our new page and spread the word to any Morongo Basin geocachers you know on Facebook. This is our sport, so let's take it by the horns. ~tufelhundin~


In the news: Scientists link Easter Egg hunts to early geocaching

Who knows, right? Maybe geocaching was inspired by Easter egg hunting. Imagine an Easter Egg hunt involving GPS coordinates. In fact, I bet there are some. I'll look for a few examples.


new facebook page for this group & blog

Visit https://www.facebook.com/MBgeocachingsociety to follow this group and blog through Facebook. The more we get friends for this page, the easier it will be to share it to other geocaching friends in the area. Help get the word out. Like this page.

Okay... Nobody is commenting at all.

Is the internet is too much for people who use multi-million dollar satellites to find tupperware in the woods. I don't think so.

Is it that I am new to the area and don't have as much experience as many of the Geocachers in the communities I am hoping to organize? I hope not.

I'm a great organizer. So here is where we are.

I am going to call the YV community center on Monday and find out about having a table at the 21 April Earth Day festivities. If they say okay, then I will reach out to a few of you old-school geocachers in the community and ask you to help me get a few things together. I will also submit the table as an event cache for locals to sign in at and possibly answer some questions, while there.

We can have a social lunch type event the next weekend or two down the road.

How does that sound to anyone who checks this blog?


C:geo Opensource for Android updated

Android users who utilize a geocaching app, to facilitate paperless geocaching, get them close before they swing out the GPSr and to log their finds in realtime can rest happy today. C:geo Opensource, a free geocaching app for Android, has updated its LIVEMAP functionality. Many cachers I know were bummed, when Geocaching.com, the largest cache database, did an update recently which caused the LIVEMAP function to malfunction.

Users of the app will be also he happy to note that additional functionality and new MAP icons come with the update. To note, if a user posts a note to a cache log, that cache has a pencil icon attached to it on the map until you return and mark it as FOUND or IGNORE LISTING (from the Geocaching.com website).

I personally am very happy to see the update. I wear my Android out, when it comes to geocaching. Additionally, I am drafting this post from my Android.

What apps do you use with your Android or iPhone to facilitate your geocaching? Please note whether they are free or pay-to-play apps also.


Getting the word out...

We need more people in the Morongo Basin getting involved in Geocaching!!!  What can we do to promote this sport? Comment below, and let's start generating some realistic ideas of some baby steps we can take to get some real action going here.

Geocaching Social & Earth Day in YV

We might as well just jump right into the fire and get going. I'm looking at either the 21st or 22nd of April, which is Earth Day weekend. I think we can have a great environmental tie-in. I also think that a trackable exposition and sharing would be awesome. Lots of trackable discovering for everyone's numbers. Please comment with any recommendations you may have for any activities... I have been talking to the Rib Co. in Yucca Valley. They have a room we can use, in the back and can customize a menu of a few key menu items with discounts on drinks and meals. Let me know. Plus, I'll bring a crap-ton of ammo cans for giveaway.